Search: Lawrence Sellin

COVID-19: US Intelligence Community’s Statement May Have Given China a Huge Propaganda Victory

On April 30, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued the following US Intelligence Community statement: “The entire Intelligence Community has been consistently providing critical support to US policymakers and those responding to the COVID-19 virus, which originated in China. The Intelligence Community also concurs with the wide scientific consensus…

COVID-19 Has a Unique Feature Pointing to its Origin

Avian (bird) influenza virus and avian infectious bronchitis virus are coronaviruses, which elicit similar symptoms, are major pathogens long-circulating in Chinese poultry populations and have resulted in great economic losses for China due to respiratory disease and reduced egg production. Avian influenza viruses are capable of infecting humans and multiple outbreaks have occurred in…

Evidence Suggesting CoVid-19 is Man-Made

Identifying the unique characteristics of CoVid-19, understanding the techniques that have been used to study coronaviruses and analyzing the scientific publications going back two decades or more will all be key in determining the origin of the Wuhan pandemic. Since the 2002-2003 SARS coronavirus pandemic (SARS-CoV), which also originated in…

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