The resurrection of America is not a distant dream; it’s a reality we must strive for, and it will happen in 2025!

Resurrection, in this case, is the concept of coming back to life as a country after the left-wing ideologies did all they could to dismantle America. In several religions, a dying-and-rising god is a deity that dies and is resurrected. In Christianity, resurrection most critically concerns the resurrection of Jesus, but also includes the resurrection of Judgment Day, known as the resurrection of the dead by those Christians who subscribe to the Nicene Creed (which is the majority or mainstream Christianity), as well as the resurrection miracles done by Jesus and the prophets of the Old Testament.

We now interpret and define the Resurrection of a people and a Country.

With the advent of written records, the earliest known recurrent theme of resurrection was in Egyptian and Canaanite religions, which had cults of dying-and-rising gods such as Osiris and BaalAncient Greek religion generally emphasized immortality, but in the mythos, several men and women were made physically immortal as they were resurrected from the dead.

The universal resurrection of the dead at the world’s end is a standard eschatological belief in the Abrahamic religions. As a religious concept, resurrection is used in two distinct respects:

1) a belief in the individual resurrections of individual souls that is current and ongoing (Christian idealismrealized eschatology),

2) a general bodily universal resurrection of all the dead at the world’s end.  Some believe the soul is the actual vehicle by which people are resurrected.

Patriotic Americans are beginning to say, “Enough is enough.” In early 2023, we wrote America’s End Game for the 21st Century: A Blueprint for Saving Our Country to provide a game plan for patriotic Americans who reject the Marxist agenda. Our blueprint for saving America contains seven critical strategies for defeating Leftist ideologues and restoring our country to the principles and values that made it great. These strategies include:

America’s political position today is unlike anything ever seen in our history, or world history, for that matter. An influential group of elite globalists has succeeded in recruiting, training, and equipping an army of traitors and operatives (including well-armed militias and cartels) in America and the world to subvert the normal operations of government and move toward the globalist’s goals of corrupting those governments and individual social contracts in such a way as to destroy those governments and the fabric of the societies those governments represent. This imposes alternative governments without freedom, public choice, or legal recourse.

To bring our national establishment to heel and to counter provocative actions taken by foreign and domestic enemies, we must:

Establish honest 2024 and future elections. Paper ballots, voter ID, same-day voting, and voting systems that cannot connect to the Internet or any outside control or influence must be set up. Election Fraud or interference is a criminal act. We cannot allow foreign governments to control our elections.

Update the definition of Treason to specifically include non-kinetic war, including Mind War, Unrestricted War, Cyber Warfare, and Bio-War. We must end foreign donations to elected officials through family or corporate connections. Severe criminal penalties for this new form of treason need to be enacted urgently.

We must stop the security state from being weaponized against political opponents. NSA and CIA activity against citizens must be halted pending an overhaul of the system. FBI kill teams must be held accountable. Raids on churches, priests, and ministers must stop.

Government censorship or propaganda must be banned. There is no “Ministry of Truth.” This is not Stalin’s Russia. Obama’s legislation allowing propaganda in the United States must be canceled. It smothers the First Amendment. Borders must be controlled, and dangerous illegals must be deported or jailed. Enact legislation and an Amendment to our Constitution prohibiting any foreign influence, treaty, or Executive Order that will endanger or weaken our national sovereignty. We also need local militias and the 2A to ensure “law and order” and personal safety.

These actions must be taken before the 2024 elections. Failure to do so should also be considered a TREASON against our republic. Thomas Jefferson once stated, “Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty.”

Achieve an American spiritual revival (the resurrection).

  • Preserve the Constitution and Bill of Rights
  • Reject historical revisionism and refute the big lies of the secular Left.
  • Preserve capitalism and reject socialism.
  • Restore patriotism and love of the country.
  • Overcome specific domestic threats to America’s end game.
  • Overcome specific foreign threats to America’s end game.

What will America look like when patriots save our country from the demonic schemes of the Left? We pray you join us in this critical battle for America’s soul.      Our founders took great care when defining treason in the Constitution. They were traitors to the British crown. It had to be well-defined and documented. Because Treason in America is historically rare, we have not, nor do we intend to, take the accusation of treason lightly.

America’s political position today is unlike anything ever seen in our history, or world history, for that matter. An influential group of elite globalists has succeeded in recruiting, training, and equipping an army of traitors and operatives (including well-armed militias and cartels) in America and the world to subvert the normal operations of government and move toward the globalist’s goals of corrupting those governments and individual social contracts in such a way as to destroy those governments and the fabric of the societies those governments represent. This imposes alternative governments without freedom, public choice, or legal recourse.

Please join the Resurrection of America. Be part of making America great again.

  • The Lord’s Prayer
  • Our Father who art in heaven,
    Hallowed be thy name.
    Thy kingdom come.
    Thy will be done
    On earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread,
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    As we forgive those who trespass against us,
    And lead us not into temptation,
    But deliver us from evil.
    For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory,
    Forever and ever.
  • Contact: or call at 406 405 0216

This article was published at Paul Vallely’s Substack

The views expressed in CCNS member articles are not necessarily the views or positions of the entire CCNS. They are the views of the authors, who are members of the CCNS.

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© 2025 Citizens Commission on National Security