Nearly two years after the election of Donald Trump as president, America is still suffering the consequences of the deterioration of our national security under former President Barack Obama.  In a 10 August, 2018 article by Mary Fanning and Alan Jones, they have provided information on Obama’s billionaire Iraqi patron Nadhmi Shakir Auchi, who is now 80 and lives in London.  Auchi is being sued for $4 billion for providing chemical weapons used in the Halabja Massacre which occurred on March 16, 1988.  On that day, Saddam Hussein’s regime used those chemical weapons to kill over 5,000 Kurdish Arabian and wounded another 10,000 in Halabja, Kurdistan. The Iraqi High Criminal Court ruled it an act of genocide in 2010. Nadhmi Auchi is connected to Barack Obama through their mutual long term association with Syrian-American and convicted felon Antoin “Tony” Rezko. Auchi wired $3.5 million in 2005 to the then financially strapped Rezko in Chicago less than a month before Obama bought his mansion with the help of Rezko.  Such a coincidence!

The State Department has declared Auchi an undesirable alien and he is barred from entering the United States.  Also, named as a defendant in the lawsuit is Lt. General Dr. Amir al Sa’adi.   This is important in connecting the dots because Lt. General Sa’adi was also named in U.S. Congressional records as a co-conspirator with Hamid Dhiya Jafar, Chairman of Crescent Petroleum and co-owner of the port and container management company “Gulftainer” in a scheme known as “Oil-For-Superweapons.”  In that scheme they plotted to sell Iraqi oil to fund Saddam Hussein’s and Hamid’s brother, Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar’s, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program.

Dr. Jafar is considered the father of Iraq ’s nuclear weapons program and the developer of the nuclear miniaturized “Beach Ball” warhead.  He was deeply involved in managing Iraq’s chemical weapons program as well.  To continue connecting the dots, in 2014, the Obama administration facilitated and approved a deal that awarded Gulftainer, co-owned by Hamid and his brother, Dr. Jafar, a 35-year cargo container terminal lease at Port Canaveral, Florida, known as Project Pelican, in a single day secretly negotiated deal with no security review.  The container port is 1,000 feet from the US Navy’s strategic Trident submarine base and within sight of NASA’s Kennedy Space Center.  Previously, the Obama administration had refused a request from Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) to conduct a Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. (CFIUS) national security threat analysis of the Gulftainer port deal.  Hunter obviously knew of the relationship between Gulftainer and Rostec, a Russian state-owned defense industry conglomerate.  Rostec produces components of the Club-K container missile system and exports complete Club-K systems through its wholly owned subsidiary Rosoboronexport.  Club-K is referred to as a Trojan horse because it cannot be distinguished from a normal commercial container.  To complicate matters, it can be activated by satellite.  We must assume it has been sold to our potential enemies.  How many have been pre-positioned in the U.S. is an unknown.

Currently, Gulftainer is in the process of finalizing a 50-year lease for the Port of Wilmington, Delaware following the Obama administration having awarded an infrastructure grant to the ports.  How convenient!  Further, a Treasury Department official who previously oversaw Iranian sanctions for the Obama administration approved the Wilmington port deal without conducting a National Security Threat Analysis.

In an astounding statement that President Trump has no authority over national security as it relates to our ports, The News Journal of Wilmington wrote on 28 June, “Earlier this week, Thomas P. Feddo, deputy assistant Secretary of Investment Security for the Department of Treasury, informed an attorney representing the state that the Gulftainer port of Wilmington deal is not covered under the Defense Protection Act.  That act gives the President authority to review certain transactions involving foreign entities.”  It should be noted that Feddo’s job at Treasury was previously held by Amir Mir, a Pakistani-American, and a former two-time president of the youth wing of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), of which Mir’s father is a Founder Committee Member.  ISNA was named as a co-conspirator in the Hamas terrorist funding trial in Dallas in 2008.  Mir joined Treasury in 2009 and was Obama’s CFIUS staff chairman during both the Gulftainer Port Canaveral and Uranium One deals, bypassing the required National Security Threat Analysis.

Gulftainer is now trying to obtain a similar lease on the port of Jacksonville, Florida, where previously they attempted to buy their way in with a $250 million investment.  The question must be raised as to how these clearly questionable deals are consummated with known international figures of dubious character, which affect our national security.  Why would our American leadership approve such deals? The fact of the matter is that we have many people who have infiltrated our government agencies who have an agenda that is not in the best interest of the United States.  We know the Muslim Brotherhood has penetrated many of our national security and intelligence agencies.  We have questionable agents seeded by John Brennan when he was CIA director.  We also have seen that we had high government officials in the White House, FBI, CIA and NSA who do not support our President.  A prime example is highlighted by Diana West in her 19 April, 2018 article where she cites 17 examples of Robert Mueller’s apparent shocking obstruction efforts or failure to pursue known leads.  This includes his allegedly hiding from Congress evidence the FBI had collected when he was the Director showing that Russian officials were engaged in a bribery scheme aimed at expanding their nuclear energy business inside the U.S.  Had he provided the known information, it most certainly would have killed the Uranium One deal, and the Clinton Foundation would have likely been out more than a hundred million dollars.

What the President must do on an expedited basis is cancel both the Port Canaveral and Wilmington deals.  Prevent Gulftainer from conducting any further port activity in the U.S.  Next, the President must take the lead in purging the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as all of Obama’s holdovers, from all our government agencies.  Time is not on our side.   Our national security must be our first priority.

This column was originally published at Canada Free Press.

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