America, from its inception, created as it was out of Europeans fleeing religious, political, and economic injustice, was, first and foremost, a deeply Christian Nation. Prime among them was the Catholic Church, whose early emissaries, the Spanish Conquistadores and Portuguese explorers primarily searching central and south America for gold, slaughtering or converting the native cultures they encountered into Catholic Christians, slowly faded away in the face of encroaching British sea power in the form of buccaneers, pirates, and the Royal Navy. In consequence, while much of the treasures Spain looted from the native Americans disappeared under the waves or into the holds of pirate ships, much of it did make it back to the Spanish coffers. Still, the Catholicism they introduced took hold in Central and South American states, while the Protestant religions, primarily Anglicans and Presbyterians, took hold in the original thirteen colonies. Lutherans, Quakers, and Mennonites et. al. were too small to have left any early permanent impact and were left alone. America did not suffer devastating religious wars. It was left to individual sects to hang, burn, or drown their witches and heretics until civil laws put an end to it. Do not forget the French Catholics. They retain a foothold somewhat in Quebec and Eastern Canada’s maritime provinces.

In Europe, the Byzantine Eastern Orthodox was the main contending religion to the Catholic Church. In their time, the Orthodox followers, mainly Slavs, threw out the Turkish Ottomans, while the French Catholics threw out the Islamic Moors, leaving Europeans free to slaughter and abuse themselves at leisure. It was during that long, dark era of religious persecution that European religious types fled to the Americas. That mode carried on until 1917, when the new religion of Marxism intervened. In 1917, Russia’s Bolshevik Revolution burst upon an Orthodox religious peasantry, transforming its Christian society into a “collective” that became the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics until 1991. They rejected religion and oppressed their people but left the Church extant, turning it into an internal spy organ for the Soviet Dictator Stalin.

Where are we going with this? Once, deeply religious Europeans obeyed not only their country’s monarchs but also the dual authority of the Church of Rome. Marxism, in search of complete control, introduced the practice of secularism and set about spreading the word that “religion was the opiate of the working people” and should be done away with, leaving the happiness of the people to the “experts” of the State. In the meantime, since WWII, France’s strict observance of Catholicism has all but disappeared or is ignored. The Anglican Church of England, likewise, and even today, the Catholic Church in Ireland, has all but been rejected over abortion no less, and as having lost the authority of God, especially when the priesthood, or many of them, turned out to be dedicated child molesters. That disease spread to America and elsewhere where the Catholic Church held any prominence, property, and lots of cash.

We are in a serious election cycle, and the pastors of America’s churches, the protestant sects particularly, seem to stand in their pulpits inert if not wholly “woke,” fearful of losing their special tax-exempt status. At the same time, Marxism, pushing the new dogma of social equity, attempts to replace the gospel. Several sects have broken apart over such issues as the authority of “gay” clergy, female priests, how to accept homosexuals or not, and transgender issues of no mean consequences of living a moral life as ordained to us in the gospel. The message from the pulpit seems to be that the less you care, the happier you’ll be. Pastors are expected to spread the truth., but it’s not God’s truth but the deadening truth of Marxism we see in their gospels of CRT and DEI. It is to my happy surprise, however, that several American Catholic Bishops, realizing the trend of godless Marxism and its religion of secularism as seriously encroaching on America’s Judeo-Christian standards, must be stopped. Politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, both proclaiming to be staunch Catholics, are considered heretics and apostates from the church and should be excommunicated for their sins even though the Pope in Rome (Francis), a crypto Marxist, refuses to approve it.

They should be jailed, but I hold no authority except the pen (word processor). If they want to be a part of saving America, Americans’ churches must join the freedom crusade and become active counter-revolutionaries, tax status or not. The struggle against the Marxist evil enveloping us is strong and growing. Many evangelical Christians are declining to participate in this 2024 election; that’s how bad it has become. Unless churches act positively to save America, the Christian religion will once again disappear into dark, hidden cellars of secret communions or open fields where the enemy can be seen coming. Our country has been filled with several million illegal invaders, many just poor creatures looking for employment but embedded within the secular armies of political and criminal networks, and Islamic Jihadists, the one quasi-religious group left unmolested by our government, indeed protected if attacked by screams of Islamophobia. That’s our current situation. If Trump wins, we can expect that violence from the Left will loom as a nearly inevitable reaction to this 2024 election. Donald Trump stands as their first and only organized impediment against the corrupt state that has become our federal government. Trump can start the process of making America great again, but the secular evil will still lurk in the dark shadows of temporary defeat. They will come back if they are not destroyed first.

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get involved.

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This column was published at Paul Vallely’s Substack

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