By now we have all heard the news about the US Special Forces raid operation to terminate the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. If you compare it to the raid that terminated Osama bin Laden, this was exceptional considering the airspace coordination required.

Perhaps y’all remember the evening pronouncement by Barack Obama that bin Laden had been killed. Oh yeah, his son got a one-way ticket to meet pops recently. Obama and his media machine were phenomenal in staging triumphant celebrations outside the White House in Washington, DC.So, how did the progressive socialist left respond to the news of al-Baghdadi’s death?

They did not like President Trump’s language. Are you kidding me? The left is upset because Trump referred to a demonic Islamic jihadist as a dog? A coward, who was screaming, crying, and whining? I think it is great that those words were used to describe exactly what al-Baghdadi was: a sniveling coward . . . not such a tough guy after all. A punk who used three of his own children as human shields until he realized that he was in a dead-end tunnel and killed them along with himself. I think it was great that our highly trained Special Operators released their highly trained combat canines on this savage, barbaric, deranged murderer and Islamist.

This response from the left reminds me of how Nancy Pelosi was upset that President Trump would refer to the barbaric gang, MS-13, as animals. Ms. Pelosi ran to their defense asserting that even MS-13 gang members have a “spark of divinity.” Add to that the news she was upset because she wasn’t told about the raid. My assessment is she doesn’t have a need to know since she is busy trying to impeach the Commander-in-Chief

I wholeheartedly agree with the language used by President Trump. It was necessary to draw a mental image, a picture for all to envision as to how this terrorist leader died. He wasn’t brave; he was indeed a coward. This was a stroke of psychological operations smarts. And the follow-up report was that al-Baghdadi’s communications mouthpiece was subsequently terminated in another raid.

There is a message to be sent: we will find you and kill you. That part of the world doesn’t understand nuanced language; they understand strength and might . . . and the willingness to apply it.

The words of President Trump were necessary to be heard and known by the young jihadis who wish to join up with these murderers. This message was heard around the world, including Rep. Ilhan Omar’s congressional district where Somali jihadists are spawned, and we know that is a hotbed of ISIS recruitment.

So it will be: the left will continue to march on with their absurd “impeachment inquiry.” Hmm, I just thought about something, why wasn’t Barry Soetoro impeached when he withheld hellfire missiles from Israel during their assault against Hamas terrorists who were firing rockets and missiles against them . . . and Hillary Clinton was Obama’s henchwoman as Secretary of State? We all say that Israel is our strongest ally in the Middle East, but not a peep from Pelosi and her choom gang.

Consider how President Trump has improved the socio-economic conditions in the black community. Remember how upset folks got when he challenged the black community saying, “what have you got to lose?” Yes, we are seeing the lowest unemployment rate for the Black community in history. Trump has done more for traditional Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) than Obama ever dreamed of doing.

Was it Obama who took on criminal justice reform? Nope, but guess what? The left is upset with Trump for doing that as well. As reported by Townhall:

“Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) on [last] Friday announced she would no longer take part in a criminal justice reform panel at Benedict College, a historically black college in Columbia, South Carolina. After receiving flak from President Trump and others, Harris decided maybe she should attend the event after all. According to Mediaite, Harris is attending the event after all. She made the decision to attend after the sponsor that presented President Trump with an award for the FIRST STEP Act – the 20/20 Bipartisan Justice Center – was removed as an event sponsor. 

“After the 20/20 Bipartisan Justice Center was removed as a sponsor for the criminal justice forum at Benedict College in response to her protests of the event, Senator Kamala Harris is announcing she will join students, Mayor Steve Benjamin and the broader Columbia community on campus at Benedict to discuss critical issues for the country’s justice system,” her team said in a statement.

“Harris announced yesterday she would not participate in the event after hearing the 20/20 Bipartisan Justice Center excluded students from participating and gave Trump, who has spent decades exhibiting racist behavior and promoting injustice for African Americans, a justice award.

Harris instead planned to host a separate forum on important justice issues in protest of this group’s involvement and the exclusion of HBCU [historically black colleges and universities] student participation in the event,” the statement said.

“As a result of her leadership, the 20/20 Bipartisan Justice Center has been dropped from the event, the event was made free and open to the public, and more HBCU students at Benedict have been included in the event. Because of these important changes, Harris will now participate in the conversation with Benjamin, Benedict and its students, and the broader Columbia community.”

Yes, the oh-so-tolerant left shows us their real face, yet again. How funny, Obama gets a Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing, he had not even been in office two months. President Trump earns an award for signing into law a piece of legislation, the First Step Act, that Sen. Kamala Harris supported . . . but, Trump be damned, he was positively recognized for his efforts?

Ladies and gents, this is why the left is heading towards a McGovern like defeat next November. Their ugly hypocrisy has gone way over the top and they make no pretense in trying to hide it. The fact that they would force the removal of an event sponsor just because they awarded President Trump for taking action on criminal justice reform, which was the theme of the forum, is disgusting, despicable, and disconcerting.

We are living in strange times and the tyranny of the progressive socialist left is apparent. They will destroy any and everyone that stands in their way, opposes their ideological agenda.

What the episode at Benedict College shows is that the left wants blacks to remain on their 21st-century economic plantation. Recall the stoic faces of the Congressional Black Caucus during President Trump’s second State of the Unions address, when he touted the historically low unemployment rate in the Black community? Remember how Bill Maher said that he wanted a recession just to defeat President Trump?

The Democrat (socialist) left will never embrace good news for the American people, as long as it happens due to policies from President Trump. They only want one thing, power, control. As Hillary Clinton stated, “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for,” Mrs. Clinton said in an interview with Christiane Amanpour, “I believe if we are fortunate enough to take back the House and or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again.”

There you have it, folks. If you do not embrace, agree, or accept the progressive socialist left’s ideological agenda and their philosophy of governance . . . they are not compelled to be civil to you. What Hillary Clinton is describing is tyranny. The left will take the side of a dead Islamic terrorist just to get to their ideological dominance, their desired state of existence.

You have been warned.

This column was originally published at The Old School Patriot.

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