Judicial Watch obtained 301 pages of emails and other records from the NIH through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Among those documents is a list of 2,221 research projects awarded to U.S. universities between 2010 and 2018, through which money was funneled to Chinese research centers. The major portion of those grants (22%) were provided by Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

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Chief among the recipients of Anthony Fauci’s generosity was Major General Wuchun Cao (shown in the photo as a Senior Colonel), who has been identified as a key figure in China’s biowarfare program.

Wuchun Cao has been the Director of the Institute of Microbial Epidemiology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences and Director of the State Key Laboratory of Biosafety of Pathogenic Microorganisms, both in Beijing.

He has also been a part-time research scientist and doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shandong University.

Wuchun Cao is a senior advisor on bioterrorism to the Chinese Communist Party and a scientific advisor for Wuhan Institute of Virology. He was second-in-command of the military team under Major General Chen Wei, presumed leader of China’s biowarfare program, that was sent to Wuhan to control the outbreak of COVID-19 early in the pandemic.

Wuchun Cao was a participant in the 2013 NIAID research grant R01AI083640-05 for $343,817, awarded to Xiaofeng “Frank” Yang of the Indiana University School of Medicine.

The China-origins of Xiaofeng “Frank” Yang remain hidden, but he was a guest speaker at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2012.

The joint work between Xiaofeng “Frank” Yang and Wuchun Cao, which included Duke and Yale Universities, was published in 2015.

Wuchun Cao was a participant in the 2014-2017 NIAID research grant R01AI108993 for $1,719,354, awarded to Gregory Gray of Duke University.

An earlier Gateway Pundit article described the long-term research collaboration between Wuchun Cao and Gregory Gray concerning the epidemiological spread of influenza virus and how that research may have played into the planning around the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wuchun Cao was a participant in the 2014-2018 NIAID grant R01AI110820 for $3,926,048, awarded to the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore.

Wuchun Cao was a participant in the 2017-2018 NIAID grant R01AI125842 for $1,493,667 awarded to the University of California at Berkeley.

People’s Liberation Army scientists Shibo Jiang of the Lindsley F. Kimball Institute at the New York Blood Center and his long-time collaborator Yusen Zhou of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences in Beijing teamed up on NIAID research grants R03 AI088449 (2011-2012), R21 AI128311-01 (2017) R01 AI139092-01 (2018), R21 AI128311-02 (2018) and R01 AI137472-01 (2018) for a total of $2,400,883.

Both Shibo Jiang and Yusen Zhou have deep connections with China’s People’s Liberation Army and were involved in research leading up to the laboratory origin of COVID-19, fact that have been exhaustively detailed in Gateway Pundit articles, herehere and here.

China has a fused military-civilian virus research program, which includes its bioweapon development effort.

It now appears, as documented in a previous Gateway Pundit article, that China’s fused military-civilian biowarfare program has been extended to incorporate U.S. laboratories and U.S. taxpayer funding.

This column was originally published at The Gateway Pundit

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