Taking nothing away from Angelina Jolie’s role in the movie Maleficent, Joe Biden epitomizes Jolie’s angry, revenge-laden creature that still looms dangerously. As the twilight of his years descends upon him, his shuffling gait and thinning white hair lending him the patina of an aged and beloved senior (queue the violins) filled with goodness and wisdom is a façade. We all know it is BS and that Joe Biden is and has always been a sick, wicked, self-serving, evil old SOB whose sole mission in life has been to enrich himself and his family by any means possible short of armed robbery, and I wonder about that. His legacy of failure is assured, and we do not care! But he is not done yet! He’s going to try to start World War III for Donald Trump to sort out, if not create total chaos on America’s streets, whatever comes first.

We ask, why is Joe still lingering around the seat of power pretending he is the leader of the free world when he is, in fact, dispensing political land mines for Trump? I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I am a “things don’t add up, and it’s pretty obvious” theorist, and I see wicked Joe up to no good, ready to plunge the world into a nuclear conflict if he can manage it. Nobody listens to him, so I don’t see how he can do it except with his radical leftist loonies doing it for him. His DTS-afflicted followers respond to innuendos, like Trump’s two assassins did, believing they were saving democracy if they could only take out Donald Trump. TDS is a poisonous concoction of ‘Liberal think’ mixed with Marxism wanting power, all motivated by forlorn whispers crying: “We must save democracy!”

WWIII may or may not happen. Too many changes occur between countries with differing philosophies, and one must believe any sneak attack would not be detected and quickly repulsed. Russia’s Putin is between a rock and a hard spot. Apart from massive losses of military equipment, including his Black Sea fleet, he’s running out of soldiers. So, to continue his conquest of Ukraine, he invited North Korean soldiers so they could gain combat experience! They got some when a whole infantry battalion was wiped out in a single Ukrainian blow. To keep that conflict festering, Joe sent the Ukrainians anti-personnel land mines. Everybody has land mines, but Joe has always been against land mines. Then he authorized Ukraine to lob American made missiles into Russia, a sure gesture designed to create a violent response from the growingly deranged Russian Premier Putin.

Trump’s smashing election victory, electoral and famous, was a mandate by the American people for Trump to restore things to some semblance of normality, to restore common sense and practical solutions as per the Constitution and end the destruction the Democrats created, like the invasion of American borders by millions of illegals, force changing America’s energy needs from black petroleum to Green breezes, to squash out destructive social theories like DEI, wokeism, CRT and radical Marxist infiltration of higher education. Those are not and never have been American values. After Obama, Joe the Maleficent was the chief engineer in forcing those stupid radical values on a reluctant citizenry.

Painful changes are coming! It’s the next twelve years; if we don’t have a world war by then, that bodes ill for our broken two-party political system. The Democrats will not remain supine in their quest to reclaim the power they believe belongs to them. Objectively viewing the debris of their recent clobbering, they can only anticipate the next opportunity may come in twelve years, after JD Vance, because they lack a field of personalities amenable to becoming the face of the Democrat party. The detritus of their collapse is clogging up their efforts to move forward. They must ditch Marxism, but they won’t! On top of that, they’re broke! Kamala Harris spent one billion dollars with nothing to show for it except to be overdrawn by twenty million dollars. Who will come forward with a radical plan and a personality to match that Americans will accept? The Governor of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, was capable, except he was a hated Jew. How will the Democrats in four years, let alone in twelve, overcome that problem? The Democrats, especially Joe, still cling to political radicalism and would like, once again, to create violence on American streets, forcing President Trump to use regular US Army troops as well as state National Guards and police to quell rioters like the Antifa and BLM. Trump will do it, and it will be painful. It’s been done before! He’ll leave them bleeding on the streets, putting an end to Democrat-inspired radical BS for decades. And Americans will cheer as America becomes Great Again! To even survive, the Democrats will have a problem distancing themselves from their radicalism that brought America to the precipice of destruction. They can’t do it with their present leadership because they have tasted the success of totalitarianism.

They tried by hanging the label of a Hitler-like dictator over Trump’s shoulders, but we know better. The debris that is the Democrat Party will have to be carefully collected and reassembled again as an American Party if they want to continue to pursue power. By then, I expect that America’s political landscape will have been considerably altered and cleansed of the idiocy taught by higher education and that regular Americans with common sense, like Trump, might step forward as candidates for public office, pledging themselves to protect the Constitution. I hope that happens, but we must always be on guard against those candidates who try to sneak in as constitutionalists but are, in fact, fifth columnists. We see them now like Al Sharpton, shifty Schiff, Gavin Newsom, AOC and her squad, and the avaricious Nancy Pelosi, who, like Joe Biden, only seeks to enrich herself by insider trading in the stock market. In other words, we can’t let our guard down at all! No more Joe’s or Kamala’s, please!

Now, learn your roles and don’t be afraid to wade in and help Trump restore America. At least don’t get in the way. Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, get involved.

Help save America. 

Contact: gemcclellan@ellijay.com or suaus1961@gmail.com for interviews. 


This column was published at Paul Vallely’s Substack

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