How China’s military colonized U.S. research programs and siphoned off U.S. taxpayer funding

It went virtually unreported, but the firing of a Chinese tenured professor by a major U.S. university provides one case study about the People’s Liberation Army infiltration of U.S. laboratories and the“laundering” of U.S. taxpayer dollars to supplement China’s military research and development programs.

According to a June 14, 2022 report, New York University’s Board of Trustees approved the termination for cause of Chuanshu Huang, MD, PhD for failing to disclose that he acted as a principal investigator and co-principal investigator on outside research activities on behalf of Wenzhou Medical University in China and his affiliation with China’s Thousand Talents Plan.

What was not reported was Chuanshu Huang’s deep connections with China’s People’s Liberation Army.

Chuanshu Huang graduated from the People’s Liberation Army’s Fourth Military Medical University in Xi’an, China.

Around 1995, Chuanshu Huang began working in the laboratory of Zigang Dong at the University of Minnesota, who himself was among the first wave of Chinese scientists to arrive in the United States and, thereafter, acted as one of many “anchors” for subsequent waves of Chinese “scientific chain migration.”

Zigang Dong received over $23 million in funding from the National Institutes of Health.

Zigang Dong, who eventually became Executive Director of the Hormel Institute at the University of Minnesota, abruptly left his position in May 2019, when the FBI was investigating Dong’s possible failure to report foreign backing when applying for grants.

Zigang Dong, arguably a fugitive from U.S. justice, is now back in China.

After additional training with Xianglin Shi at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in Morgantown, West Virginia, Chuanshu Huang obtained a permanent position at the Nelson Institute of Environmental Medicine of New York University beginning around 2001.

Prior to his recent termination by New York University, Chuanshu Huang received about $12 million in research grant funding from the National Institutes of Health.

During his twenty years at New York University, while supported by U.S. taxpayer dollars, Chuanshu Huang maintained an extensive research collaboration with scientists from the People’s Liberation Army, including training Chinese military personnel at New York University.

The scientific publications demonstrating research collaboration between Chuanshu Huang and the People’s Liberation Army, and the Chinese military personnel trained by him are too numerous to list, but a few links can be provided:

2005 – The People’s Liberation Army’s Second Military Medical University, Shanghai

2006 – The People’s Liberation Army’s Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an

2008 – The People’s Liberation Army’s Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an

2009 – The People’s Liberation Army’s Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an

2010 – The People’s Liberation Army’s Third Military Medical University, Chongqing

2011 – The People’s Liberation Army’s Third Military Medical University, Chongqing

2012 – The People’s Liberation Army’s Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an

2013 – The People’s Liberation Army’s Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an

2014 – The People’s Liberation Army’s Third Military Medical University, Chongqing

2015 – The People’s Liberation Army’s Third Military Medical University, Chongqing

2016 – The People’s Liberation Army’s Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing

2018 – The People’s Liberation Army’s Third Military Medical University, Chongqing

There are literally hundreds of other similar cases of Chinese scientific infiltration of U.S. laboratories that can be documented, but are being deliberately ignored by U.S. government officials and members of Congress.

This column was originally published at The Gateway Pundit

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