Author page: Citizens Commission on National Security

The National Security Alert – Episode 14 – with Clare Lopez on Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood and other threats to the U.S.

CCNS member Clare Lopez and former CIA officer was interviewed for the National Security Alert by Roger Aronoff at CPAC last month. They discussed Iran, specifically about the Biden administration’s determination to bring back the JCPOA, the so-called Iran nuclear deal. Also, Clare discusses Iran’s role in 9/11, something that…


Interview with Kash Patel: The media are “the biggest accomplices of the Deep State”

In another of our series of interviews from last month’s CPAC, CCNS Executive Director and Editor Roger Aronoff interviewed Kash Patel. For those of you not familiar with Mr. Patel’s background, he has served his country as a federal prosecutor of terrorism cases, Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior…


Allen West on the indictment and possible gag order on former President Trump, and America’s bifurcated system of justice [Video]

CCNS member and retired Congressman Lt. Col. Allen West (US Army Ret.) was on Real America’s Voice with Steve Gruber discussing the possibility of a gag order on former President Trump following his indictment and arraignment. They compared the case to the John Edwards case and the Hillary Clinton/ Steele…


CCNS at CPAC: Hans Von Spakovsky on the state of our elections [Video]

We interviewed the Heritage Foundation’s Hans Von Spakovsky at CPAC earlier this month on how safe our elections are today, and what needs to be done to restore confidence in them. We also discuss the current affirmative action case before the Supreme Court involving Harvard and the issue of student…


CCNS at CPAC: Dr. Robert Malone on the vaccine and “Lies My Gov’t Told Me” [Video]

In this interview with Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines (and DNA vaccines), discusses his experiences, his observations and his transformation during the Covid-19 pandemic, and his book, “Lies My Gov’t Told Me,” with host Roger Aronoff, the Executive Director and Editor of the Citizens Commission on National…


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