Guest Editorial:

This failure of the presidential protection business is becoming alarming. In my day as a federal agent, doing these very things, neither the Secret Service nor my agency would have ever made mistakes like we saw unfolding at the Pa. Trump rally if it was a mistake. In the wake of Trump’s assassination, we have been fed multiple excuses by Biden government operatives and Democrat pontificators about who was to blame for letting the sniper get up on the roof, why he wasn’t detected earlier (he was), and why he wasn’t neutralized before he got his shot off at President Trump first. The perception of professional collapse is deadly.

In the well-rehearsed scheme of CYA, especially in socialist societies, it’s nearly always the lowest rung on the ladder of any combined agency protection detail that gets blamed if things go wrong. In this case, it was the poor Butler police. Then rumors leak out, followed by the evidence of smartphone cameras, eyewitnesses, developed informants, and maybe even aerial drone footage we haven’t been told about that tells the true story. We didn’t have those neat toys available back in my day. Now, we live in a remarkable time for information gathering that quickly contradicts, in the face of vehement denials, the claims that “it wasn’t our fault.”

To complicate the assassination attempt matter, we have since learned that a hooded cretin with a fully loaded AK-47 was apprehended outside the RNC convention in Milwaukee and that the two female senior Secret Service managerial agents, supposedly Hillary Clinton affectionado’s, were “escorted out of the White House” because they displayed severe anti-Trump sentiments. We can be assured as well that if Iranian hit men are on the loose to fulfill the “fatwa” issued by Iran’s Religious leader after Trump killed off their top general five years ago, this lot can’t protect Trump. What’s going on here? I think we all know it’s the collapse of the extreme Radical Left’s agenda to neutralize America. It will happen when we leave our leadership in the hands of a Leftist nincompoop.

In the aftermath of this incident at Butler, Pa., because by a mere lucky fluke or the hand of God, Trump survived, we saw photos of the shooter on the roof and people pointing him out to an unresponsive Secret Service who appeared to do nothing. We have since learned the counter snipers saw him but were ordered not to neutralize the threat until he took the first shot (WTF?). We were then gifted with the video of the fumbling three stooges female Secret Service agents, doubtless DEI hires, and wondered where these clowns came from. One couldn’t even holster her weapon correctly, and confusion reigned. In my day, for screw-ups like that, responsibility always rose to the top as a failure of leadership, and what do we find at the top? Another DEI hired as Secret Service Director, a woman with no professional protective services bonafide, was put into the job upon Jill Biden’s recommendation because they were old friends.

That explains why agents on the ground are micro-managed into ineffectiveness. Jill’s friend, the Director of the Secret Service, didn’t come up through the ranks but from the PepsiCo company. One reason the FBI has gone off the rails is that they keep raising DoJ lawyers to the job of FBI Director when the Directorship should be rewarded to an agent who rises out of the ranks as a known entity with a history of investigative success and adherence to the laws, rules, and regulations the Constitution lays out. Presence and perception in politics are everything. Today, the USSS, like the FBI, is now perceived as malfunctioning due to a lack of professional leadership. Law Enforcement leadership, especially in the face of immediate violence, is not a trait that can be learned on a pistol range; it comes instantly when the first shot is fired and training kicks in. We did not see it on Saturday last when Donald Trump became the target of a deranged Democrat. Training is available on the battlefield and the mean streets of Democrat cities. Still, the instinct for survival focuses the leader’s mind on muscle memory, tactics, and procedures constantly rehearsed. High-placed leaders without street or combat experience, when faced with emergencies, invariably fall back to making decisions by committee (staffers) while time and the situation pass them by.

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, get involved.

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This column was posted at Paul Vallely’s Substack

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